SBA Policy Meeting
Provisional School Calendar 2024/2025
School Magazine 2023-2024
A limited amount of this magazine is available for purchase at the school reception on a first-come, first-served basis. These will be available for sale for 4 euros at the school reception on Monday, July 15th from 8am to 11:45am.
Festa Familja 2024
Festa Familja 2024 Ilbieraħ l-edukaturi tal-iskola tagħna ngħaqdu flimkien sabiex jorganizzaw u jattendu għal din l-attività. L-għan tagħha kien li jġib flimkien il-komunità skolastika. L-edukaturi ltaqgħu f’ambjent informali u waqt li gawdew il-kumpanija ta’ xulxin, kielu ikel mħawwar u bnin…
Graduation for class of 2024. Year 11 students will receive a link to download their individual photos.
Seħer il-Milied (Christmas Market)
St Nicholas College Dingli Secondary School invites you to an enchanting Christmas Market filled with holiday cheer, delicious treats, and unique gifts. This Christmas market will be characterized by several market stands with student crafts as well as traditional Christmas…
MJSO – Winners First Place
L-Ewwel Post fl-għaxar edizzjoni tal-Malta Junior Science Olympiad! Prosit kbira lill-istudenti tagħna Markus Adon Borg, Isaac Grech u Alessandro Vella talli kisbu l-ewwel post fil-Malta Junior Science Olympiad (MJSO) li hija kompetizzjoni prestiġjuża mmirata lejn studenti b’talent fix-Xjenza. Grazzi lill-għalliema…
Year 11 Annual Exams Timetable
Chess Tournament
Illum, seba’ mill-istudenti tagħna pparteċipaw fit-2nd Secondary Arena Tournament organizzat mill-Malta Chess Federation. L-istudenti li pparteċipaw huma: Year 9 – Luca Gauci, Year 10 – Jawett Bugeja, Luke Dimech, Mattheas Micallef u Daniel Vella, Year 11 – Daniel Micallef u…
Information Meetings for Parents, Guardians and Students
Talent Show 2022/23
The Talent Show was one of the major events organized by our school this year. Here is a review from one of the student participants: Hello, I am Jake Aquilina and I used to be a student of part of…
Saint Nicholas College, Dingli Secondary School – Rome Day Trip – 26th May 2023
Last week the Italian Department gave the opportunity to 49 different students that study Italian at school to travel for a day trip to Rome. The idea behind it was for students to immerse themselves into the Italian culture and…
Simultaneous Chess Activity
Yesterday our school organized a Simultaneous Chess Activity. During this activity Woman Fide Master – Jamie Farrugia, played simultaneously against students and staff members. After the event, Jamie commented that the school has a number of promising students! Well done…
Inter-Generational Week
On the 24th of April the school’s Hospitality team collaborated with the Agency for Community and Therapeutic Services (ACTS) within the Foundation for Social Welfare Service (FSWS) to celebrate the Global Inter-Generational week. For this activity, a group of elderly…
Puttinu Cares Donation
This morning, was a special one for us here at Dingli Secondary School. For the 12th year running, our school organized the Figolla Challenge and today the final sum collected was donated to Puttinu Cares. The donation this…
Donation of Scriptures
The Gideons International Malta Branch has donated to our school new copies of Scriptures (New Testament + Psalms + Proverbs) which have been translated into Maltese in cooperation with the Maltese Bible Society. The Scriptures are in pocket size and…
Jump Start Film Festival
Last Friday, some of our media students and their teachers attended the Jump Start Film Festival event which encourages students to develop their creative and technical skills in film making. Two of our students George Ebejer and Aeryn Sinnas were…
Figolla Challenge Update
Today, our students had the opportunity to decorate some of the Figolli that are being sold to help raise money for Puttinu Cares. Here are some photos of the event. Photographer: Ms M.Debono
European Money Quiz 2023
Elise Muscat 10.3 and Leon Borg 10.2 have placed 3rd and 6th respectively in the European Money Quiz held recently for all state, church and independent schools. Elise has also placed 1st from all State School participants. Over 500 participants…
Figolla Challenge 2023
Once again, we are proud to present the Figolla Challenge 2023. Order your figolla and help us raise funds for Puttinu Cares.
Football Tournament
In the first term, our students had the opportunity to participate in a football tournament during the break time. The students came together to form their own teams and play against other teams. This tournament was made possible thanks to…
Misty Moments
On misty days a ray of light is worth more. Our students are always eager to take photos and capture moments. Here are 2 photos they took on the school grounds this morning!
The Environmental Damage caused by Fast Fashion
Our students participated in two episodes of Gimgha b’gimgha on NetTV where they spoke about their efforts to raise awareness on the environmental damage caused by Fast Fashion. Check out their interview in one of these episodes.
YRE – Young Reporters for the Environment.
Following are two very interesting videos created by our Young Reporters for the Environment with the support of their teacher.
Writing Competition
In May 2023 Malta will be organising the Games of the Small States of Europe for the third time following the successful editions hosted in 1993 and 2003. Ahead of this event that will feature the participation of nine…
French Language Activity to celebrate the European Day of Languages 2022.
On the 24th of October, Yanica Mallia (11.8) and Matthea Muscat (11.8) took part in a competition organised by the National Literacy Agency to celebrate the European Day of Languages 2022. This event forms part of the Council of Europe’s…
Unravel a Sweater – Project
Our students and their teachers are currently working on a repurposing project, specifically repurposing yarn from old sweaters. If anyone is interested in donating old sweaters, they will be unravelled and the yarn used to create small crochet projects during…
Cabinet Meeting at School
A special cabinet meeting on education was held at our school on the 11th of October 2022. This cabinet meeting was also addressed by two of our students, Antonia Ciappara and George Vella as well as our Head of Department…
Students’, Parents’ and Guardians’ Meetings – All Year Groups
As another academic year will soon come to a start, we would like to invite you to an information meeting at school. Kindly note that details regarding Student, Parent and Guardian Information Meetings have been sent via email. We look…
Academic Year 2022-2023
Watch this space for exciting new updates!
eTwinning Celebration
This morning students who participated in the eTwinning project Think, Act, Inspire! were presented a token for winning the Term 2 Internet Safety Competition by eTwinning Malta as well a certificate of participation for successfully completing their 8 month long…
Casual Day (Friday 28th May)
Skola Sajf : Update
Malta Youth Triathlon Academy Sportmalta
Helping you through your options!
Dear prospective students, We would like to help you in your choice of languages and options by inviting you to view the videos that we are sharing with you. You can access the various videos in the link below:- VIDEOS…
My Mask – I Care campaign
Trash Hack Video Students at Saint Nicholas College Secondary School Ħad-Dingli have been investigating the effect of Covid-19 on the environment. Lockdowns and teleworking may be having some positive impacts on our environment. On the other hand, the use…
Safer Internet Day
On Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we will celebrate the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day with actions taking place right across the globe. With a theme once again of “Together for a better internet”, the day calls upon all stakeholders to join together to…
Parents’ Day (Online)
Parents Days will be held online on Friday 5th February and Monday 8th February Teachers will be available online for the 10 minute sessions that are booked. Please find below the link to book sessions with the teacher/s you wish…
desserTS competition
We participated in the desserTS challenge 2020 for Hospitality teachers and students. Our task was to present an original dessert recipe using three mystery ingredients: coffee, raspberry and pretzel. Our school proudly placed second among seventeen entrees, with the participation…
‘The Casual Day’ & More Info Regarding This Christmas Period
The Casual Day being organised by the Students’ Council will take place on the 18th December. Dress code to be followed according to the poster above. Students not adhereing will have to be sent home. Instead of the usual exchange…
Drawing Competition for students
The 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that takes place between the 25th November, which marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, which is the…
The Dinja Waħda page is now up to date. Check it out !
Dear viewers, First and foremost thank you for visiting our website, please continue to do so 🙂 To support us, please share us with your friends! In the meanwhile, check out the page below which is dedicated to Dinja Waħda.…
Parent’s Meeting Recording
Parent’s Meeting Recording A big thank you goes out to all the parents who joined us for today’s meeting. We had a few technical problems since we had over 300 parents online at once but we hope we were able…
Parents’ Online Meeting
Online meeting for all parents and guardians tomorrow at 1pm! Keep reading for more information. We’re ready to welcome students and have worked hard to implement all the safety protocols issued by the Health Authorities and MEDE Students will resume…
Qs&As Hi all, This is a list of questions which parents have been asking frequently as we are preparing for a new scholastic year. Please note that the following list can and will be updated as soon as we get…
Dingli Secondary #movingforward
Gwida għall-Ġenituri Il-ġenituri għandhom rwol important sabiex iżommu lil uliedhom f’saħħithom u siguri kemm jista’ jkun meta jmorru l-iskola. Dawn il-punti għandhom ikunu gwida sabiex nitgħallmu lkoll flimkien nieħdu ħsieb uliedna. #movingforward Aqra aktar fuq Newsbreak: https://newsbreak.edu.mt/2020/09/14/gwida-ghall-genituri/ Miżuri għall-Ftuħ tal-Iskejjel…
Dear Parents and Guardians, In line with direction issued by MEDE and Health authorities regarding reopening of school please note the following guidelines to be followed in our school: All students must wear a face mask/face shield in all times…
School Leaving Certificate
ATTN: All Year 11 students and/or their parents/guardians are invited to come over to school and pick their SSC&P (School Leaving Certificate), any day between 8.30am and 12.30pm. Kindly present your ID cards when collecting your certificate. A gentle reminder…
Science Trip – Poland
Some of our year 11 students today visited the Copernicus Science Centre Warsaw. Over the next few days they will be engaging in more scientific adventures in Poland. Well done to their teachers, Ms Agius, Ms Borg and Ms Cefai…