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MJSO – Winners First Place

L-Ewwel Post fl-għaxar edizzjoni tal-Malta Junior Science Olympiad!
Prosit kbira lill-istudenti tagħna Markus Adon Borg, Isaac Grech u Alessandro Vella talli kisbu l-ewwel post fil-Malta Junior Science Olympiad (MJSO) li hija kompetizzjoni prestiġjuża mmirata lejn studenti b’talent fix-Xjenza.
Grazzi lill-għalliema tagħna, is-Sa Agius, is-Sa M. Borg, is-Sa L. Borg, is-Sur Borg u s-Sa Darmanin talli ppreparaw lill-istudenti għall-kompetizzjoni.
1st place in the 10th Edition of the Malta Junior Science Olympiad!
A big well done to our students Markus Adon Borg, Isaac Grech and Alessandro Vella for achieving 1st place in prestigious Malta Junior Science Olympiad (MJSO) which is a competition targeting gifted and talented Year 11 Science students.
Thanks to our teachers, Ms Agius, Ms M. Borg, Ms L. Borg, Mr Borg, Ms Darmanin for preparing the students for the competition.